5 ways to finding AMAZING extracurricular activities opportunities

Let's face it. Academics is not everything now. Whether it's getting into the university of your dreams or getting that perfect job, you need to have impressive experiences to talk about. When I decided to apply to Harvard, I've talked to lots of people about what kind of extracurricular activities they did. And boy did I get some unbelievable responses! Here are 5 ways that you can have impressive activities to talk (brag) about.

Find yourself some mentors and start something of your own

Some of the most impressive things are started by young people. Lots of young people have started successful non-profit organizations, businesses, campaigns, and projects. Just look at Craig Kielburger who began his activist campaigns at 12 years of age (you can find his story online, I won't go into details here). I've known lots of people who have started impressive projects because they used their imagination, compassion, and the power of being young.

Start small and work your way up

I've met many people who've worked at the UN, NATO, and other prestigious organizations. All of them share one common trait: they started at somewhere smaller. The story-line usually goes something like this: they would first volunteer at local organizations, add value in their work, come across opportunities, then move up. Being out there in the community and showing that you can do good work will open doors for you.

Take initiative

When you see an opportunity, it's absolutely critical that you take the initiative and step up to the plate. If you don't, you'll always be at "somewhere small". If you want to work your way up, you have to put yourself out there. Never be afraid to ask for what you want. Be confident, take the initiative and ask for those opportunities. This was how I quickly built up my resume from nothing. When others need a leader, I always step up no matter how nervous I am or how little experience I have; you'll be surprised how easy it is to be doing incredible things once you step up and say - "I'll do it". Throwing yourself into the deep end may be dangerous, and you may very well fail, but it is the quickest way to learn how to swim.

Talk to people 

There may be 100 opportunities out there that's perfect for you. No one can know them all. But everyone can know at least one of them. Go out there and meet people. Go to conferences and events for your area of interest and talk to people about what they've done. You can build great relationships this way and you'll find some great opportunities. There are doors out there, but they'll only open for people who are seeking them.

And last of all, do what interests you.

Passion is the most powerful and influential force in the universe. Without passion, you cannot convince anyone that you can do the amazing extracurricular activities that you are going to do (now that you've read this post)!

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