6 tips to making a great impression

This is a post I've written a while ago on a different blog. These are very basic principles, and if you master these, you will be able to make a good impression where ever you go. Some points are originally found in Dale Carnegie's book "How to win friends and influence people", which is a great read by the way.

1. To make people like you, you must first show that you like them
The key to getting anyone to like you is to show that you like them. Smile is the easiest and most important thing you can do to show this. Become genuinely interested in people and care about what they say will also do you good. If you are really committed, you can work on this through a deeper level: generosity.

2. First impression - be clean and tidy, don't dress like a slob
It is true. People do judge based on looks. You do too, it is human nature to want to avoid something that is visually unappealing. This is not to say that you have to look like a model to get people to like you, but you have to look clean, smell good, and wear clothes that is the right size.

3. Remember people's names and use it often 
Dale Carnegie said "remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language." It shows respect and it makes them feel good. "The steel king" Andrew Carnegie once settled a huge merger just by using his competitor's name to call the new company. President Roosevelt can remember the name of every single person he met. If they do it, why not you? The next time you meet someone new, don't forget to get his/her name!

4. Have a positive attitude to life 
A positive attitude attracts people to you. This is because no one wants to be around someone who is negative and who complains all the time. If you can direct your mind to positive things, it will also be easier to fulfil the last two points. When people think of you, what comes to mind? Cheerfulness or negativity? What they associate with you will determine their impression of you.

5. Have a sense of humour 
Humour adds colour to life and it's a great addition to a great impression. People will love you if you can make them laugh, without making fun of or sacrificing anyone's reputation. Also, laugh at yourself once in a while if the situation calls. Getting mad over a small joke about you will make you appear small, not to mention the possibilities of others believing that the joke is true.

6. Don't criticise 
If you want people to hate you for ten years and more...give them a mean criticism. Everyone is entitled to their own oppinion, and flat out rejecting it is just like saying to that person, "you are stupid." Hold your words and stand in that person's shoes for a moment..who knows, you might learn something.

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think. :)

1 comment:

  1. I like the sense of humour part...it's true people won't like someone who's serious all the time.
